College Schools, Departments & Programs


B.S. Physics/M.S. Medical Physics
The Applied Physics alternative within the Physics program (Program II) emphasizes practical applications of physics in order to prepare students for high-tech physics jobs in industry and medicine. Some of these Applied Physics requirements can be fulfilled by taking courses also required for a Master’s Degree in Medical Physics. By fulfilling requirements satisfying both programs, students can complete a Master’s Degree in Medical Physics within as little as one additional year.

Students must apply for and earn admittance to the University Graduate School and the Master of Science in Medical Physics program after completing at least 90 credit hours of the Applied Physics undergraduate track (generally during the fall semester of their senior year).

The B.S. degree will be conferred upon successful completion of the Applied Physics program (Program II) requirements. The student must also successfully complete (passed with a grade of B or above) 40 credit hours of graduate work, at least 18 credit hours of which must be Physics courses numbered 501 or above (not included are reading, seminar and research courses) and must satisfy all other requirements for that degree to receive the M.S.